April Goals

This is a more inclusive list than will be completed in April:

Quilting: I have 5 quilts in the queue.

Quilt Backs: Two quilt backs to make.

Bonnets: Make a smaller bonnet that will fit now rather than later, and some other colors for later in the summer.

Soft Books: One in progress, more waiting to be started.

Stars BoM: Learning to paper piece is looking embarrassing right now… but hopefully I will have actual good finished products in a couple more weeks.

My Button

WiP Wednesday/March Finishes: March 26, 2013

Life with a newborn is challenging and rewarding.  I usually get 2 naps a day before she demands to be held for 12 hours straight.  The first nap is full of basics like brushing my teeth and eating breakfast, but if I get a second nap it is my time (as long as there isn’t laundry to fold or a house to clean!).


Bonnet. I used the design from Little Betty Designs to make a reversible bonnet for my baby girl.  I realized when I took her to the Arbor Day celebration at my husband’s work that everyone wants to hold her, but not everyone is so good about keeping her face shaded, so hopefully this bonnet will help.  The first one I made went a little slow, but I think as I get practice I will be able to make a couple more fairly easily.  I plan to attach velcro to the straps and cut them down shorter to use as the fastener.  The velcro should come apart easily enough to avoid any choking hazards from the hat.  I can’t wait to try this out on her!

Itty Bitty Baby Dress.  I used the pattern from Made By Rae to make this dress.  I found the pattern to be very small… and I even used the 0-3 month size instead of the newborn.  My 6 week old (admittedly she is on the larger size of the spectrum) barely fit into it, so she only wore it once to an Easter egg hunt.  The size issue is due to the construction because there is no opening in the back.  It was still cute the one time she was able to wear it and we got a lot of compliments.

In Progress: 

Quilt backs:

Plan C – I strip pieced one section of the back of the Plan C quilt, still need to iron.  I also decided on the fabric for the majority of the back.  The alphabet print from the new PB&J collection will be perfect – I just need to order it.

Out to sea baby quilt back – I was able to start on the wonky stars that will be a portion of the back.

Up Next: 

I still need to finish assembling my long arm.  My in-laws are coming this weekend, so hopefully while they are here I will get this done.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced My Button

WiP Wednesday/March Goals: March 6, 2013

It’s been awhile… life with a newborn is demanding.  She is good, but wants to be held approximately 23 hours a day.


Absolutely nothing.  Emptying the dishwasher and eating meals at approximately their scheduled time is a victory for me right now.  

In Progress:

Quilt Backs.  The Out to Sea quilt is still the current priority.  I’ve started to pull fabric and have a couple ideas.  

Up Next:
I finally have the last parts for my longarm machine.  My mom is visiting this week, so I am hoping I can finish assembly while she is here to help with the baby.  Once that is complete, I need to get hot on the quilt backs so I can actually have something to quilt!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly PiecedMy Button

WiP Wednesday: February 6, 2013

I’m starting to get my sewing mojo back so to celebrate, I’m linking up to WiP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.  I’m also ridiculously pregnant so sewing keeps my mind off how uncomfortable I am.

Finished this Week:

Snuggler.  I know not every baby likes swaddling, and I already have multiple muslin blankets to use for swaddling, but when I found the patter for Lotta Jandotter’s Snuggler I couldn’t help myself and had to make it immediately.  The fabric is Echino linen, the selvage says train.  I bought it awhile ago with a purpose and now love it for baby accessories although since it is true linen, I can’t use it for anything that will actually touch the baby.  I used flannel for the inside because it is too warm in North Carolina (even in winter) to use the fleece called for in the pattern.

Lotta Jandotter Snuggler

Baby Dress.  Continuing on a baby theme, I made the Little Geranium pattern in 0-3 months.  The pattern is by Made by Rae, and was a fantastic pattern considering I have never made a piece of clothing before in my entire life.  The fabric is from the Lisette collection at JoAnn’s Fabric and is a “voile”.  I am definitely going to buy the full pattern and be making more of these in the future.

Little Geranium Dress (0-3 months)

Out to Sea Quilt Top.  This started as a improv log cabin, but I’m blaming pregnancy brain on it turning into a bizarre cross between the coloring of a log cabin and the pattern of courthouse steps.  It’s not exactly what I pictured, but I’m still pleased with how it turned out.  Now to do a back for it….

Out to Sea Quilt Top

In progress:

Quick Change Trousers from Anna Marie Horner’s “Handmade Beginnings”.  Pants are next on my to do list as I teach myself how to make clothes.

Quilt Backs.  As I opened my closet where I store finished quilt tops, I realized that I have five quilt tops that don’t have backs ready for quilting.  I plan to start dedicating more of my time to improving my quilting skills, so I need to get these backs done ASAP.

Up next:

Headbands.  I have a horrible fear that my baby girl will have no hair, so I want at least a couple headbands ready to go.

Out to Sea Quilt Back.  Must…finish…quilt back… so I can quilt this! This quilt back is also my February task for “A Lovely Year of Finishes” over at Bittersweet Designs.

Charity quilts.  I have one ready to be quilted, and fabric set aside for three more.  I have baby on the brain though, so it is hard for me to concentrate on non-baby projects.

Baby!  This little girl’s due date is today, so hopefully she will be making an appearance soon.